Saturday, May 30, 2009

I have...

a room! Haha, so happy to not be on the couch anymore. I mean it really wasn't that bad at all, but having a space that's all your own is nice. A place to come sleep whenever you want.

This past week was pretty fun at work. I got to edit stuff, which is my favorite. Their avid is way nicer than avid at school, no errors so far. I don't know, sitting at a desk doing work time goes by so slowly. But editing, time flies by and I actually enjoy doing it. Next week looks like I'll do something that deals with writing so that should be pretty fun too.

The weather here has been pretty gloomy lately. Everyone is calling it June Gloom. Guess it's normal. Been in low-70s, windy and cloudy. Actually need to wear a sweatshirt out.

Haven't really done anything too touristy in awhile. Helped move the girl out of this apartment today. Also helped move my roommate's brother, so today was pretty busy. Might go do something tomorrow though.

I'm going to find one thing to do each week though. Well at least one thing. Some things on the list:
- Go be on the Price is Right
- Go to the Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien
- Go to Hollywood Bowl with Death Cab and Tegan and Sara!!!! Oh man saw that today and I am going, I don't care if I go alone. That'll be so freaking amazing.
- Go to a comedy club... several times.

Yeah, there's more but that's just a few things. Still can't believe I'm living in LA. I really am starting to like it a lot. Especially the Burbank area, it's a little bit more quiet than downtown. Who knew I'd want somewhere a little quiet, ha. It's really nice over there though. Could see myself living over there pretty easily. It's about 20 minutes from downtown LA, that is depending on traffic though, could be a lot longer than that.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The unglamourous side...

of shoots. When they're at night and you don't finish until 11pm. Then you have a 20 minute drive to get back to where you live. Plus you haven't eaten since 2pm and while there is food on the set, it's for the talent, not you. Man, long day.

Maybe it was the fact we were closer to Universal for this shoot, but sometimes being in this town is really cool. Just to be where so many famous things have happened. To be on the same street celebrities walk down the red carpet to the Oscars. I don't know, hard to explain. But there's so much history in this town, it's cool to I guess sort of be apart of that living here.

Oh yeah, back to the shoot being so much fun. Got home at basically midnight, and now must be back at work tomorrow at 9am. Woohoo. I get to start editing though so that should be a lot more fun than going through hours of footage. Seems free lance is the way to go work wise. I swear I learn more when I'm not working than when I am. Just like college, you learn the really important stuff outside of class, never in it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

More pictures from the pier...

Santa Monica Pier!

Today Sara, Racquel and I went to the Santa Monica Pier. Gorgeous down there! Here's some pictures from my cell phone. I'll make another post for the ones I took with my camera, the battery died so I have to recharge it before I can get those pictures.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Eating in LA...

is an entirely different experience than anywhere else I've been.

In Westfield mall, for example, their "food court" has more restaurant type places to eat at. You get your food on real plates, with real silverware and actual glass cups. Then, when you finish eating, you just leave the plates on the table and someone comes by and clears off the table. It's the weirdest thing. It never even crossed my mind to not clear a table, but I guess here it's normal.

Then, I went to lunch today with people I worked with at this place called Umami Burger. Had no idea, but I guess it's like the new cool burger place to eat in LA. Check out the website here. Anyway, the restaurants here are rather foofy. And expensive. Cheapest burger was $9 for only the burger. Sides were from $2.50 to $4 for fries, onion rings, or $4 pickles.... yeah, still don't get why pickles would cost that much, they must be special pickles, ha. Anyway, it was pricey. Then, when you get your fries or onion rings, they give you this small asian soup spoon full of their own ketchup. That tasted... not like ketchup and lasts a few bites. Someone even asked for regular ketchup and they said "oh we only have sauces we make here." Really? A burger place with no real ketchup? So weird. I'm just not used to places like that, at all. Haha, Red Robin is gourmet burgers to me, man. Anyway, yeah. Just one weird little thing I noticed today. I'll try to be updating with things like that, more differences I see being down here than little Pullman haha.

A Real Update...

Ok, so, I've been in LA for 6 days now. Pretty crazy. The drive down was fairly long, 15 hours about with a break to sleep in between in Yreka, CA. Got in LA on Saturday. Stayed at a hotel and began the search for places to live. I ended up finding a place on craigslist, guess that website does work. It's a cute apartment, I'm sharing it with someone, two people at the moment. They were nice enough to let me stay on the couch until June 1st. Saved me from paying some ridiculous amount at a hotel until then.

So, the internship. It's really fun so far. Monday I just met all the people I was working with. Tuesday, I went on a shoot for Kendra Wilkinson's (used to date Hef on Girl's Next Door) new reality show. That was a really interesting experience. Lots of waiting around. I had Wednesday off. Yesterday, I just helped people with things they were doing, went through footage. Today, went through 3 hours worth of footage of Anne Hathaway, and I'm only halfway done. Yeah, interesting job to have haha.

I've been walking to work lately, only live 20 minutes away walking so it's really nice. A lot like Pullman in the respect that I'm still walking everywhere. I'm in walking distance to grocery stores and a mall.

Anyway, I know I should update more but I'm really tired. So... until next time, adios!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Picture update!

LA at night.

Welcome to California!!

Cute little place we ate breakfast at.

Yreka, CA.

LA at night, again.

The super cool hotel I stayed at. I want that picture.

View from hotel.


Where I work.

More of where I work.

Another angle of where I work.

The gorgeous trees all over the city! On my walk to work.

Another view, so pretty.

Expect an actual text update probably tomorrow and more pictures!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

California, here we come...

Well, Friday afternoon will be the beginning of the roadtrip down to LA. My mom and I are splitting it into two days of driving. In the meantime, just getting everything ready to head down there. Still don't have a place to live, but there are prospects. I'm really not worried, I know I'll find something great.

I start the internship Monday afternoon! Insane but exciting. I'll fill this lovely little blog with stories and pictures of what happens in my time spent in LA. Next post, expect some pictures from the drive down! Ha, 15 hours... will have to make it interesting somehow.

After listening to Phantom Planet "California" so many years, I can finally say: California, here I come! Ha.