Thursday, June 4, 2009

Six Flags and the Soup! Picture Overload!!

So on Wednesday, my roommate and her boyfriend and my friend Michael went to Six Flags Magic Mountain!! It was a lot of fun. As you can tell by the pictures, it was actually really cloudy and rained half the day. Michael and I had both never been on a roller coaster with more than one loop so it was quite the experience. The first ride we went on was called the Colossus which was your regular old roller coaster, no loops. Yet, it was the one that got to my stomach the most, that first drop was intense and I wasn't expecting it. The second ride we went on was called Scream, yet I didn't scream at all. It had loops and twists and your feet dangled. It was fun.

Then we went on the Batman ride. Your feet dangled in that one and it was pretty intense. Really quick, a lot of turns and loops. I laughed a lot during that one, especially when it was over. Don't know why, I laugh during those things. I thought that one was a lot of fun, but no one else seemed to think so, haha.

Then we went on this ride, it's called Riddler's Revenge. It was weird seat wise, you had to kind of hoist yourself up in the seat, so you were basically standing, then you would push down so your knees were bent, then it locked in that position. It was really weird. Your legs felt odd as you were going on loops. It was fun though.

This next ride we went on was called Deja Vu. The name was because you did the ride... and then you did it backwards. Haha, it was pretty scary. At the beginning you go backward up at a 90 degree angle... so you are basically falling out of your seat forward on the thing holding you in staring at the seats in front of you. Scary as hell. Then the thing launches so fast and you're up and turning doing all this crazy stuff. Then you go up another thing at 90 degrees, but you're back in the seat so it's not fine. Then backwards you go through the whole thing, so crazy, back up the 90 degree, fall out of your seat.. and the ride is over. Ha, it was a lot of fun. I'd do that one again.

The ride after that we went on was called the Ninja. It was really fun. No loops or anything, but it twisted around and got really low to the ground and you went through trees. That was a lot of fun. Then we decided to eat lunch. After that we walked around to the other side of the park. We went on this ride called Viper. That one was a lot of fun actually, big drop and little loops and all these twists. The only thing that sucked is you weren't really straped in so you were kind of thrown around the seat, haha.

And then... we went on this last ride called X2. Holy mother of god. Okay, so we waited maybe 30-45 minutes in line for it. And the first thing you notice is "Weird, the people go up this ride backwards..."

Here's the description of the ride: "Unlike traditional coasters where trains only parallel the track, X2 sends riders screaming around its 3,600-foot maze of steel track aboard massive wing-shaped trains where the seats extend off of the track to the sides of the vehicle, allowing them to independently rotate you head over heels, forward and backward creating a one-of-a-kind "don't know what to expect next" sensation. X2 launches the extreme thrills of X into a new dimension with the addition of a light experience that changes with every ride. "

Yeah, don't know what to expect next, like when you go from going up the ride backward to going straight down at the ground at a 90 degree angle. I haven't screamed like that... ever? Hahaha, it was scary. But so much fun! After it was over I thought it was awesome. In the moment of it happening, I thought I was going to die ha. Here are pictures I took of it on continuous so you can kind of see what happens. I would say go on youtube and search X2 or Deja Vu at Magic Mountain to see what these rides are really like. It's insane.

Notice they're going up backwards?

Look at the feet in the air.

Look at the people in the front now facing the ground.

Straight down 90 degree angle!

Notice you know see the back of the seats? You get pulled up backwards around a loop, this ride seriously messes with your mind cause you honestly don't know what's going on.

If you didn't notice, just look how the seats go in those last pictures, you flip all around the whole ride, seeing the people in front of you and behind you.

This is for Kaitlin! They put ads on the side of buildings!! It's insane.

Then after we got back, we went to the taping of The Soup!! I looked like crap but what do you expect after being on roller coasters all day? It was really funny. Joel McHale is hilarious. Watch the show this Friday, maybe you can pick out my laugh in the laugh track. That special guest... was Kendra. Not so cool since I already met her. The spot she did was funny though. Joel Mchale was really nice. I told him that I went to WSU and he made fun of me. He went to UW. I made fun of him for going to UW. Haha, it was really fun.

Yeah, it was a very fun filled day yesterday!!

1 comment:

  1. i could die with envy!!!!!!! you have a picture with joel! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
    your life is awweeeeesome!
