Sunday, July 12, 2009

Been awhile since an update...

Well it's official, the heat has come to L.A. It has been getting increasingly more hot each day. The heat here is different than other heat, don't really know how to describe it. You stand outside in it for a short period of time and you're sweating. Which means I think I'll be driving to work here on out unless it cools down or I have to go in really early. It's not fun to walk somewhere and be there with your makeup literally sweating down your face. I walked to Kmart today to buy myself a fan for my room. I was sweating just sitting in here... pretty gross. This Kmart had an escalator in it, including one for your cart. Pretty, uh, interesting. They also had a shirt that said "No Vacancy" over the stomach, it was in the maternity section. Yeah... wish I was lying on that one.

This past week was a busy one, getting ready to more things this next week. I spent a lot of time going through videos. Learned how to do E! News Updates that go out internationally. Kind of tricky, I'm doing two of those those this coming week, it'll be interesting to see how they go and if I remember everything. There was a lot to remember. This next week looks fairly busy as well. Doing a Behind the Scenes on Harry Potter, the two ENUs, there's a shoot on Wednesday (don't know anything about it other than I'm going), and I might sit in on a casting for an on-air host for the Asian feeds. All of this to be done by Friday at noon because then my mom and stepdad get in, as well as Jenni a couple hours later! Exciting! Hopefully we'll be going to a taping of Web Soup Friday afternoon. It airs on G4, it's like the Soup only they focus on videos from the web. Oh yeah, Michael and I are going to another taping of the Soup on Tuesday too. Ha, busy busy week.

This past weekend was Tracy friend Yvette's birthday. We went out to her friend's house in Long Beach, CA. Didn't really see much of Long Beach at all to tell you about it. Trying to get home was an interesting story. We were trying to get to the 405 and remember being told to go right on Long Beach Blvd. Well, we went right and didn't see the 405. Eventually we look up to see a sign that says "Welcome to the City of Compton." It was almost 11pm. Yeah... that didn't last long. We turned around at the next street and left as fast as we could. So I've been in one block of Compton.. and that is all I need. Ha. Thank god I randomly had my GPS with me. Funny thing is, we had it on so whenever we got on the 405 we'd know where to go. Well it stopped working when we got near Compton. Then once we left, it started working again. Even a GPS knows not to go into Compton. We got onto the 91 which was just a few blocks down. Now here's the weird thing about LA. It's 11pm and there's traffic, we're talking completely stopped on the freeway traffic. Insane. The traffic here really is no joke, that is one true thing about LA from what you read and hear.

Here are some pictures from the party yesterday that someone else took and put on facebook, ha.
The table of food, ha, actually I posted this for the picture on the wall. The guy who lived at the house did really cool art, like that on the wall.

Michael and I not knowing we're in a picture. There's Jen behind us, she lives in the same building. And Derek, who owned the house.

All of us eating good bbq chicken.

Michael, Jen and I. I want to have a house with a cool backyard so I can put a couch back there. A couch in a backyard is so fun.

Yeah, overall.. interesting weekend. Oh yeah, Michael and I went with Tracy's brother Scott to walk with Ruby on the Santa Monica Pier. Ruby is a show on Style network. She weighed almost 500 pounds and the show is about her losing the weight. Well.. the walk was kind of cheesy, motivational. Before the walk started, everyone was to do stretches. Scott, Michael and I just looked at each other like "Uh.... no thanks." Problem was, they were filming all of this. So who knows if the 3 of us got on camera looking like we think this is the stupidest thing. We did the little walk down the pier. Where they did basically tae-bo, and we decided we were over it. Haha. It was a cool thing, Ruby was nice and she has lost a lot more weight from where the show is at.

My body is so used to waking up early now that I feel like I've slept in until noon... and it's only 9 o'clock. Sucks, but I guess it'll be a good thing for when I get back to Pullman and have early classes. A little over a month left! Pretty crazy.

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